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D&AD Amazon Fresh


AmazonFresh is a new way to stock your cupboards with delicious groceries. It brings all the ease and reliabilty of to your weekly shop, including specialities from local shops and markets, all delivered in one hour slots, including same day. The service is currently available to Amazon Prime members in 190 Greater London postcodes. It’s the fast way to Britains best-loved brands, plus offerings from local independent food producers and shops (think farmers’ markets, but at the tap of your phone). 


Evoke epicurean imaginations with a content identity that promotes AmazonFresh as a unique foodie destination.


‘us to you in 1 hour’ is a concept which utilises wordplay connections between the locations of the producer and the Amazon Fresh consumer, within the Greater London area.

My work won a D&AD Pencil , take a look here -

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